AEPS (Aadhaar Enabled Payment System) How to transfer money using Aadhar Number
AEPS AEPS (Aadhar enabled payment system) is a new payment service offered by the National payments corporation of India to banks, financial institutions using Aadhar and online UIDAI (unique identification authority of India) authentication through their respective business correspondent service centres. AEPS is a bank led model which allows online interoperable financial transaction at POS (point of sale/micro ATM) through the business correspondent(BC)/bank Mitra of any bank using the Aadhar authentication. BACKGROUND In order to further speed track financial inclusion in the country, two working groups were constituted by RBI on Micro ATM standards and central infrastructure and connectivity for Aadhar based financial inclusion transactions with members representing RBI, UIDAI, NPCI, institute for development and research in banking technology and some special invitees representing banks and research institution...